The All India Sunday School Association is established in response to the need expressed by the Churches and the mandate given by the All India Sunday School and Christian Education Conference called by the National Council of Churches in India held in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh from 30th December 1981 to 2nd January 1982.
Believing that Christian nurture is vital to the life and witness of the Church, the AISSA as a related agency of the NCCI seeks to work in close cooperation with its member churches and organisations to initiate, promote and coordinate Christian Education through Sunday School Programmes.
A people strong in biblical-theological foundation, ready for individual and community service in the socio-economic and political Contexts challenging church and country, emulating the example of Jesus in word and deed.
To build biblical- theological capacities of Children (and Adults in the case of Adult Sunday Schools) through Christian Nurture in Sunday Schools in Churches and Christian Institutions, for service and witness as individual persons and as well as a community in the world.